Monday 4 May 2009

The wealth she gave away

From a sermon preached at Great Malvern Priory by the Revd Ian Spencer:

I spent nearly all of last week working with Revd Judith Thompson, one of the two full-time hospital chaplains that we have in Worcester. Hospital chaplains do not earn big-bucks, and I'm sure Judith wouldn't mind me telling you that her car had holes in it that were certainly not part of the original build. But she showed me riches beyond compare last week, an opulence and glory that no amount of personal wealth could come close to matching.

Judith spent wealth, but the wealth she gave away was her time, her patience, her empathy, her love, her faith. And she'd be the first to say that all of this treasure came not from her, but from God, ministered through her, to those in need. It was hard work, exhausting work, giving away self, for love of God and neighbour requires true grit, but the grit is diamond. "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also - do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth, but store up for yourselves treasure in heaven".

Read the full sermon here